Why choose a small school versus a big school?

Every person has their own preference as to what makes them feel comfortable in their learning process. We at LINC like the personal connection with each student when we teach one on one. This personalized instruction helps in training them to be the best that they can be.

How long is your program?

The cosmetology program is 12.5 months from start to finish.

If I need it, can I get extra help?

This is another advantage of attending a smaller school. We can give extra help to all students who need it.

How do you test?

We use a national standard cosmetology book (Milady) and we test our students with theory and practical exams from their curriculum. We also give a mock state board exam before graduation that is designed to prepare our students for the state board licensing exams.

Do your students participate in competitions?

We compete at least once per year at various competitions.

Do your students go to hair shows?

We go to at least one international show and two or more local shows in Charlotte and Atlanta.