Cosmetology Program

LeGrand Institute's cosmetology program curriculum is exceptional in that it prepares students not only to pass the state examination in order to become a licensed cosmetologist but also to give students the skills necessary to be successful in this profession. At LeGrand, we combine advanced REDKEN training with business systems to produce confident salon professionals who are ready for success.  These business systems are integrated throughout the program through mentoring and coaching each individual student.  

LeGrand Institute gives students the opportunity to experience the professional side of the beauty industry by attending hair shows, entering competitions, and learning from guest speakers who are specialists in their profession. The cosmetology industry opens many opportunities for students to not only learn the fundamentals but also excel in specialties like hair coloring, wig making, and make-up artistry.


Class Schedule

Tuesday - Saturday..............8:30 am - 3:00 pm

The school requires that students clock at least 22.5 hours of attendance weekly. Course completion will be 12.5 months from start to finish if the student attends according to the set schedule.

Cosmetology Program Start Dates

Starting dates are the first Tuesday in each month. Students must have satisfied all admissions requirements, attended orientation and made all financial arrangements prior to their start date.

What does Accreditation Mean?

Accreditation means that a school has met the national standards of educational performance which have been established by an impartial non-governmental agency. The accrediting of schools by professional, national and regional associations like Cosmetology schools, long characterized the American educational scene. Through the years, accreditation of schools has been the most authoritative and reliable index of a school's concern for integrity toward its students and the quality of education it produces.

LeGrand Institute is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Art and Sciences (NACCAS).

LeGrand Institute is approved by the South Carolina Board of Cosmetology, the South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department, and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

LeGrand Institute is a member of "American Association of Cosmetology Schools"(AACS) and is a Member school of South Carolina Association of Licensed Professionals (SCALP).


For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please read our Gainful Employment Disclosures.


For a copy of our catalog which includes information regarding our graduation, placement and licensure rates, please click here

Enrollment Application? Click here